Where is Oktoberfest Held in Munich

Where is Oktoberfest held in Munich? A Bavarian adventure

Ah, the Oktoberfest – where lederhosen meets beer, and pretzels are as big as your head! If you're dreaming of joining this epic Bavarian bash, buckle up! We're diving into the heart of Munich, where this legendary festival unfolds.

Location: The heart of Munich

Oktoberfest is held in the heart of Munich, the capital of Bavaria, Germany. The festival grounds are known as the Theresienwiese, or simply Wiesn by the locals. It's conveniently located near the city center, making it easy to reach.

A royal beginning

Theresienwiese has its roots in the early 19th century when Bavaria was under the rule of King Ludwig I. It was named in honor of his daughter, Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen, who married Crown Prince Ludwig (later known as King Ludwig I) in 1810. The royal couple threw a grand public celebration for their wedding, inviting all the citizens of Munich to join in the festivities.

Oktoberfest's inception

The grand celebration of the royal wedding was such a hit that it became an annual tradition. Over time, this celebration evolved into what we now know as Oktoberfest. The festival officially began in 1810 and has continued almost uninterrupted since then, making it one of the oldest and largest beer festivals in the world.

The evolution of Theresienwiese

Theresienwiese underwent significant changes over the years to accommodate the growing festival. What started as a horse race and agricultural showground soon transformed into a sprawling fairground with beer tents, carnival rides, and various attractions.

One of the most iconic additions to Theresienwiese is the Bavaria statue, which has become the face of Bavaria and Oktoberfest.

The Bavaria Statue: Guarding the festivities

At the southern end of Theresienwiese stands the colossal Bavaria statue, a symbol of the Bavarian spirit. This mighty statue was created for the Oktoberfest of 1850 and has since become an integral part of the festival's landscape.

The Bavaria statue stands 18.5 meters (over 60 feet) tall and depicts a female figure representing Bavaria. She holds a laurel wreath in one hand, symbolizing victory and triumph, and a lion at her feet, representing Bavaria's strength. Visitors can even climb up to the head of the statue for a panoramic view of the festival grounds.

How to get to Oktoberfest: A fun-filled expedition

Alright, party people, let's dive into the epic quest of getting to Oktoberfest in Munich. Whether you're a jet-setter or a leisurely traveler, there's a way for everyone to join the beer-soaked festivities. Let's explore all the ways to get there!

Option 1: Taking to the skies - Flying In

If you're jetting in from distant lands, Munich Airport is your gateway to beer nirvana. Here's the lowdown:

  • Step 1: Land at Munich Airport like a rock star (don't forget to shout "Prost!" as you touch down).
  • Step 2: Hail a taxi like you're in a Hollywood movie.
  • Step 3: Sit back, relax, and let the taxi whisk you away to the Theresienwiese station.

Option 2: Keep it local - Public transport

For all you eco-conscious travelers, Munich's public transport system is a marvel of efficiency. Here's the scoop:

  • Step 1: Get yourself a day ticket for the U-Bahn (that's the subway) or S-Bahn (a different urban train).
  • Step 2: Hop on and make your way to the Theresienwiese station, where the magic happens.
  • Step 3: Follow your nose (and the laughter of fellow revelers) to the heart of Oktoberfest. You're almost there!

Option 3: Biking like a Bavarian

If you're feeling adventurous and want to get rid of some beer calories, why not rent a bike? 

  • Step 1: Rent a bicycle, channel your inner Tour de France rider, and pedal your way to Theresienwiese. It's a great way to work up an appetite.
  • Step 2: Park your trusty steed and prepare for some beer-filled fun!

Option 4: Take a stroll - Walk like a champ

For those staying near the city center, this one's for you. Walking to Oktoberfest is like a warm-up for all the dancing you'll be doing later:

  • Step 1: Lace up your comfiest shoes and start your leisurely walk through Munich's charming streets.
  • Step 2: As you saunter along, soak in the sights and sounds until you stumble upon the unmistakable scent of sausages and sauerkraut. You're officially on the right path!

Ready for a German adventure?

If you've been captivated by the allure of Oktoberfest and the beauty of Germany, why not take it a step further? Enter our "Win a Trip to Munich" giveaway and redeem a chance to experience the magic of Munich and Oktoberfest firsthand. You could be exploring the historic streets, indulging in delicious cuisine, and creating memories to last a lifetime.


So, pack your bags, brush up on your German cheers (Prost!), and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in the heart of Bavaria. Germany is calling, and Oktoberfest is waiting to welcome you with open arms.


What should I expect when I visit Theresienwiese during Oktoberfest?

Expect a lively and vibrant atmosphere, with crowds of people enjoying beer, food, music, and entertainment. Be prepared for traditional Bavarian hospitality and a memorable cultural experience.

Are there accommodations near Theresienwiese for Oktoberfest visitors?

Yes, there are hotels, hostels, and Airbnb options in proximity to Theresienwiese. It's advisable to book accommodations well in advance, especially during the festival.

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